Support of Bereaved Families
The IICC provides emotional support to bereaved families of fallen operatives. The intelligence community is a close-knit, somewhat secretive community. The center serves as a warm “home for emotional support” of those families. Multiple commemorative events are held every year in the center, such as Hannukah, summer camp, launch of books for fallen soldiers. Families are driven from around Israel to the center for breakfast, lunch, a performance of an artist, a commemorative or heritage lecture, experiential activities for children, and most importantly, a gathering of families who share the pain of the loss of a loved one, sometimes under unknown or undisclosed circumstances.
A special Hanukkah celebration is held for bereaved families as well. Oftentimes, the evening will consist of a performance by an IDF band, lighting Hanukkah candles with a rabbi, singing Hanukkah songs, and ending the evening with a celebratory meal.
Gatherings of those bereaved families is a heartwarming and bonding experience and very much appreciated by all those involved.