AFIICC Invites You To Support the Many Initiatives of the IICC
The American Friends of the Israel Intelligence Heritage and Commemoration Center (AFIICC) is it nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness of the initiatives and current activities of the intelligence Heritage and Commemoration Center in Israel (IICC), providing financial support and serving as a liaison between the American Jewish and non-Jewish communities and the center in Israel.
Seminars in Israel
Lectures and Webinars
Support of Bereaved Families
Donate to Honor the Heroes of Israel’s Intelligence Services
The name of the fallen soldiers of the Intelligence community are etched for eternity on the walls of the memorial at the IICC. It is constructed as a maze inspired by the human brain which is the main weapon of the Intelligence community.
Even today, some of the fallen have to remain anonymous due to the secret nature of their activities. We must pass their heritage on, mainly to the younger generation.

How to Visit the IICC
We believe that a visit to our centre in Israel is a unique, invaluable, and moving experience. The IICC is the only place where visitors can be exposed as extensively as possible to the history and heritage of the Israeli intelligence services. The visit takes approximately half a day.
Learn more about our visits here. To schedule a visit, please contact lgal Zaidenstein President and Founder.
5862 Lindenhurst Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90036