Host a Parlor Meeting

We believe that personal informative meetings, in an intimate setting such as a living room, with an Israeli intelligence official, are very effective in informing the public, the Jewish communities, of the threats to Israel and Jews around the world and the role of the Israeli intelligence services. We are always grateful to lay leaders who are willing to donate their space, home for these events that we believe are extremely productive. If you would like to host such an event , please contact us by phone or e-mail.


While we are in need of monetary donations, we understand that some individuals who are interested in our organization, prefer to contribute their time and skills. We very much appreciate any labor of love.

Volunteer opportunities;

  1. Start a local chapter
  2. Donate a home or event venue for a movie screening, in person event, party…
  3. Public relations

We are sure that many more volunteering opportunities will come up. Please contact us if you are interested.

אירוע הנצחת חללי המודיעין במלמ

Visiting The Center

A visit to the center, which is free and open to everyone, is a transformative experience, highlighting the contributions of the Israeli Intelligence services to not only Israel but also the western world. For further information about the IICC, please visit

To schedule a visit, please contact Igal Zaidenstein.
